Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Beshear Shoves Obamacare Down Kentucky's Throat

Yeah, Governor Cowardly Worm is still trying to pretend that the fabulous new health care exchange he's set up in Kentucky has nothing to do with the kenyan kommie katastrophe mandated by that ni**er in the White House.
Beginning Oct. 1, more than four out of every five uninsured Kentuckians seeking health insurance through Kentucky’s health benefits marketplace will qualify for a discount to make insurance more affordable – and for certain plans, the discounts will completely eliminate monthly premiums for some individuals.

Gov. Steve Beshear briefed reporters today on what Kentuckians can expect when they shop for insurance on kynect, the state’s health benefits marketplace. 

“For one out of every six Kentuckians, health insurance has been out of reach – too expensive, too cumbersome, or too confusing.  The good news is that’s changing, thanks to kynect,” said Gov. Beshear.  “Not only will kynect be easy to use, it’s the only place you can go to find out your income-based insurance discount. Through kynect, affordable health insurance is finally a reality.”
No, affordable health insurance is finally a reality because of the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare because it was proposed, shepherded through Congress, signed into law and implemented by that ni**er in the White House who is President Barack Hussein Obama and don't you ever forget it, you redneck Dawson Springs cracker.
Kentucky has more than 640,000 uninsured citizens, which is about 15 percent of the state’s population.  Approximately 308,000 will qualify for Medicaid. The remaining 332,000 can choose among state-approved insurance plans, and can compare monthly premiums and other costs like co-pays. Thanks to new requirements through the Affordable Care Act Obamacare, no one can be denied coverage for any reason, even pre-existing conditions.
That's Obamacare saving the ungrateful asses of 640,000 Kentuckians, 56 percent of whom voted for Mitt G.I. LuvMoney last November and who will undoubted re-elect Mitch "Obama is Evil Incarnate" McConnell next November. Obamacare, courtesy of the man Zandar satirically calls President Blackety-Black-Black.

That Kentucky's Democratic Governor, who is never running for office again, thinks he has to deny the very president who is saving the Commonwealth because when it comes to race this fucking state is fucking Mississippi makes me so fucking mad I want to make the one and only qualification for Obamacare be proof that you voted for Barack Hussein Obama for President. Twice.


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