Thursday, September 12, 2013

Beshear Defies Conservatards; Implements Science Standards

Don't panic; Gov. Pendulum is already planning his next move to placate the freakazoids.

Jim Warren at the Herald:
Gov. Steve Beshear plans to implement the new Kentucky Next Generation Science Standards under his own authority, after a legislative review panel rejected them as deficient during a meeting Wednesday.

That would let the standards move forward, but the regulation still could be killed by the full General Assembly when it returns in January.

Terry Sebastian, Beshear's deputy press secretary, said in a statement that the governor "views these standards as a critical component in preparing Kentuckians for college and the work force. Therefore, as provided by law, he will implement the regulations notwithstanding the finding of deficiency."


Robert Bevins, president of Kentuckians for Science Education, a group that backs the standards, contended the subcommittee vote resulted from intense lobbying by the Tea Party and the Family Foundation of Kentucky. He also predicted the decision would prove an embarrassment for Kentucky.

"I wouldn't be surprised if this is on The Daily Show tomorrow," Bevins said.
Tune in tonight, 11 p.m., Comedy Channel.

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