Sunday, August 18, 2013

Your Daily Government-Established Religion

It happens thousands of times a day in towns large and small in every state: before an official meeting of our Constitutionally Secular government, some freakazoid asshole gets up and says a prayer.

Most of the time, an elected official of our Constitutionally Secular government demands everyone present stand and bow their heads.

It's precisely the government-established religion the First Amendment specifically bars in so many words, and it just doesn't get more unconstitutional.

It's christianist sharia, as theocratic as anything Saudi Arabia or the Taliban can come up with, and it's a deadly insult to the majority of Americans who don't want their government tainted with religion - or vice versa.

It's a huge step on the lethal road to Dominionism, and it has to fucking stop right now.

The Supreme Court is set to hear a case out of upstate New York, challenging the constitutionality of opening sessions of the town board with an official prayer. This week, both Congress and the White House weighed in, siding with the town practice. In a rather crass move, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has begun fundraising on the issue (thanks to reader R.B. for the tip).
Go on, Alison: tell the world that you're an even bigger Talibangelical than Mitch is. Just be sure to add that your position against the First Amendment puts you squarely on the side of the commiemuslinterristkenyannigger in the White House.

Running for office is a bitch, ain't it?

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