Sunday, August 25, 2013

Where Has All the Money Gone?

Gone to war-waging, every one.

I posted the whole thing because I think its fundamental point is so important. None of this surveillance and covert activity could be rationalized if this nation didn't consider itself on a perpetual war footing (the enemies changing as necessary with the times.) This is bankrupting our country both financially and morally. It's been going on since before I was born --- and I'm old. And it has enabled a security state of unprecedented proportions. It's especially concerning now that the Manichean rationale of the cold war is long over and we can no longer make even the slightest claim to a serious, existential threat. That we've ramped this war footing up even beyond our cold war capabilities on the basis of a rag tag bunch of terrorists is mind boggling when you think about it.

We had a good run with this. The US was extremely prosperous even as it became a military behemoth. But it's not working anymore. Yet the machine just keeps on cranking creating new and different reasons for its existence. The money, the secrecy, the overriding power this national security state now produces and depends upon is distorting our democracy, our economy and our security. And we can have dozens of Snowdens revealing secrets or other whistleblowers revealing corruption in the contracting business or government officials being revealed to have overstepped their grounds --- along with all the so-called reforms that will inevitably follow --- but it won't change a thing unless we understand that the fundamental problem is our status as global military empire and the resulting necessity to find new enemies and create perpetual war to rationalize it.
Meanwhile, sequestration is making a worldwide pandemic like the 1918 flu outbreak that killed 100 million people far, far more likely.

Digby on cuts to the National Institutes of Health:
"If you want to convert this into real meaningful numbers, that means people are going to die of influenza five years from now because we don't yet have the universal vaccine," he said. "And God help us if we get a worldwide pandemic that emerges in the next five years, which takes a long time to prepare a vaccine for. If we had the universal vaccine, it would work for that too.

"The clock's been ticking on the potential of the next eruption of a pandemic outbreak from South Asia or wherever. And we've gotten lucky so far [that it hasn't happened]. But are we going to stay lucky? So, how can you justify doing anything other than pulling out all the stops in that kind of circumstance? And yet we're prevented from doing so."
Well that's certainly an upper.

Remember, this isn't because there isn't enough money. There's plenty of money. This is happening because rich people are hoarding all their money, we are spending vast sums on a global military empire and the political system is totally dysfunctional.

You are living in interesting times. If you young people live long enough --- and the country and planet survive --- you'll have quite a tale to tell your grand kids. Nobody will believe what morons we were.
 Eating our seed corn.

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