Thursday, August 1, 2013

These Are the People Kentucky Says Can Violate Any Law Their Invisible Sky Wizard Says They Can

I'd say the public display of this much freakazoid stupidity pretty much proves their insane beliefs are "sincerely held." Under Kentucky's Talibangelical statute, that means they win.

First up, a report from the Louisville Courier-Journal about citizens’ principled opposition to teaching science facts. The state Department Of Education is considering a routine upgrade of its science standards, and a swarm of concerned parents turned out at a recent meeting to insist that teaching about evolution and climate change will usher in “Soviet-style communism.” Some highlights:
One parent, Valerie O’Rear, said the standards promote an “atheistic world view” and a political agenda that pushes government control.
Matt Singleton, a Baptist minister in Louisville who runs an Internet talk-radio program, called teachings on evolution a lie that has led to drug abuse, suicide and other social afflictions.
“Outsiders are telling public school families that we must follow the rich man’s elitist religion of evolution, that we no longer have what the Kentucky Constitution says is the right to worship almighty God,” Singleton said. “Instead, this fascist method teaches that our children are the property of the state.”
Yep, that pretty much matches every science class we’ve attended, all right. Formulate a hypothesis, design an experiment, institute a socialist dictatorship, commit suicide. Sounds like Rev. Singleton hopes to sit on the House Science Committee some day. Another parent pointed out the inexorably dangerous logic of having standards at all, and how it leads to labeling, ridicule, and eventually genocide:
At one point, opponent Dena Stewart-Gore of Louisville also suggested that the standards will marginalize students with religious beliefs, leading to ridicule and physiological harm in the classroom, and create difficulties for students with learning disabilities.
“The way socialism works is it takes anybody that doesn’t fit the mold and discards them,” she said, adding that “we are even talking genocide and murder here, folks.”
Not sure if “physiological” is Ms. Stewart-Gore’s error or the reporter’s, but we aren’t going to correct it, because that would be elitist and might lead to psychological harm and discrimination against the linguistically different. (This is also our second sighting within a week of a wingnut saying that ridicule is a first step toward genocide, if anyone’s counting — serious thinker Victoria Jackson said it too.
 I wonder what Alison Lundergan Grimes thinks about our ludicrous science-vs.-freakazoid-stupidity "debate."

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