Monday, August 26, 2013

Libertarian Turns McConnell's Re-election Fight Into a Three-Way

Even if Mitchei-poo survives the repug primary, he'll face a Libertarian in the general to draw votes away from him. Not many, but maybe just enough to let Alison Lundergan Grimes prevail in a tight race.

From the AP:

David Patterson has announced his intention to run for U.S. Senate in Kentucky.

A 42-year-old Harrodsburg police officer, Patterson said in a statement that he's making a bid to unseat Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell because voters are looking for an alternative.
Can Mitch beat Bevins in the primary without so angering teabaggers that they'll choose Patterson in November? Or will Grimes' repug-lite, I-hate-Obama-too campaign turn off so many Democratic voters that Patterson won't matter?

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