Saturday, August 24, 2013

Anything on Your Cell Phone You Don't Want the Police to See?

Tough. They get it anyway. The Obama Administration says Fuck your Fourth Amendment Rights.

This would conveniently make it so that the local, state and federal police can just seize someone's phone to get all that lovely personal data without having to make up some phony rationale about it being related to terrorism. (That whole thing's getting a little touchy, dontcha know?)

If the courts ultimately side with the Obama administration, anyone can be arrested on a trumped up charge, their cell phone seized, their email and other personal info accessed all without probable cause. And heck, if they just happen to find something ... well, that's your bad luck isn't it? If you don't have anything to hide ...

This has nothing to do with keeping the babies safe and everything to do with a government that has decided that the 4th Amendment is getting in its way and that an expectation of privacy is an anachronism that only a bunch of irrelevant cranks or criminals care about. I don't see how you can interpret their actions any other way.
In a small town or rural area, this means that a local cop or deputy with a grudge can cause an enormous amount of personal and community damage and do so with impunity.

Just like the lord's minions did to serfs back in the good old days of feudalism.

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