Thursday, August 1, 2013

Alison vs. President Obama

Yeah, girl, that one-point lead is gonna vanish in a stampede of Democratic voters away from the polls if you don't stop trying to out-repug Mitch, especially now that he's got a primary challenge.

You've made it clear multiple times that you're even more eager than Mitchie poo is to suck Big Coal cock.

What about other Obama administration initiatives that McConnell opposes?
We'll start with the biggie:  Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare.  It's going to make it possible for hundreds of thousands of Kentucky families to obtain affordable and useful health insurance, and save Kentucky taxpayers millions of dollars per year in emergency room bills. Mitch hates it, and is willing to shut the federal government down to eliminate it.  What do you think?
The American Jobs Act.  It would put millions of Americans back to work, including tens of thousands of Kentuckians. Mitch blocked it in the Senate. What do you think?
The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau is already saving millions of Americans hundreds of millions of dollars not stolen by criminal banks and credit card companies. Mitch keeps trying to kill it.  What do you think?

Infrastructure. Hundreds of Kentucky bridges are too dangerous to drive across, and that's not even counting the three crumbling wrecks across the Ohio River. Mitch rejected out of hand President Obama's offer to eliminate the corporate income tax in return for some infrastructure money. Money that would, by the way, create thousands of jobs in Kentucky.  What do you think?

Sequestration and austerity. President Obama wants an end to both, but Mitch wants to keep slashing the budget in ways that throw more people out of work and cripple the economy.  What do you think?

I could go on, but what's the point? Your father instituted the stupidity that Democratic candidates should run as repug-lites, and years of ludicrous losses to real repugs apparently haven't taught him - or you - a damn thing.

If you don't giving Democratic voters a reason to go to the polls next year you will lose, and it's a loss you will have thoroughly earned.

Too bad about all the down-ticket Democratic candidates you will drag down with you.  We'll call the new all-repug General Assembly the Alison Lundergan Grimes Memorial Legislature.

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