Thursday, July 25, 2013

Will Teabagger Bevin Show Up at Fancy Farm?

Easy to announce your candidacy, Matt, but are you willing to put your mouth and body where your millions of dollars are going? Mitch and Alison will be braving the heat, crowds and abuse in far Western Kentucky April 3 - where will you be?

Joseph Gerth the Courier:
Louisville millionaire and tea party favorite Matthew Bevin jumped into Kentucky’s U.S. Senate race Wednesday, setting up a Republican primary race with Minority Leader Mitch McConnell that is expected to be both heated and expensive.

Contending that McConnell isn’t a true conservative, Bevin vowed that, if elected, he would never vote to raise Senate pay, would oppose debt ceiling increases unless there was a plan in place to balance the budget within 10 years and would push for a permanent ban on earmarks.

“The fact of the matter is that big spending has been a bipartisan problem for years, and Mitch McConnell has been happy to keep spending money we don’t have no matter who the president has been,” Bevin, a 46-year-old investment manager, told about 100 supporters in the state Capitol building.
Neither Steve Beshear nor Jerry Abramson are going to Fancy Farm. Unless Bevin shows up, there won't be anybody there to challenge Mitch at all. Grimes hasn't whispered a word of criticism yet, and is unlikely to ever do so.

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