Thursday, July 4, 2013

Whatever Ayn Randy Advises, Do the Opposite

Really, Alison, do I have to tell you this? For the next 16 months, Paul, Mitch and every other repug in the country is going to troll you with condescending, patronizing, just-trying-to-help-the-little-girl advice that will destroy your campaign.

Do the opposite.

Jack Brammer at the Herald:
U.S. Sen. Rand Paul suggested Wednesday that Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes should consider disowning President Barack Obama if she hopes to run a competitive race against Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.
"I don't know it will be as competitive as some think it will be," Paul said Wednesday during a brief news conference after speaking to about 140 people at a Scott County Republican Party Independence Day luncheon.

"The biggest thing and the hardest part for any Democrat to win in Kentucky for a federal office is that you pretty much have to disown the president," Paul said.

Huh. That's what Ben Chandler did and it cost him a fifth term in the extra-Democratic Sixth District.
Grimes' political consultant, Jonathan Hurst, said Wednesday that McConnell was "clearly scared that his 30-year grip on power is coming to an end."

"It's foolish for anyone to underestimate Alison Lundergan Grimes," Hurst said. "She will stand up to leaders of both parties when it comes to putting families of Kentucky first."
Here we go. "stand up to leaders of both parties when it comes to putting families of Kentucky first" What the fuck does that mean?  Does Grimes really think there is no difference between repugs and Democrats in their policies toward families?  The same on food stamps? On health care? On public education? On jobs?

Here's a clue, Alison: Democrats want Kentucky's families to have good jobs with benefits, affordable health care, nutritious food, clean air and water and high-quality education. Repugs don't.

Do you really think denouncing President Obama is going to win you the love of Democratic voters who sat out the 2010 election because there weren't any real Democrats on the ballot?  Do you really think the repugs who will cheer your betrayal of Democratic values will actually vote for you?

I don't think Grimes is stupid. So the question - if she does follow the advice of the Tribble-Toupeed One - is why.

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