Saturday, July 6, 2013

Second Indication Grimes Is Not Serious

Really?  Why was this website not complete and ready to publish the day she announced?  Maybe because she didn't expect to announce until the last minute? Could the Kentucky Republican Democratic Party possibly get more incompetent/inthetankforMitch?

Jack Brammer at the Herald
Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes launched a bare-bones campaign website Friday for the U.S. Senate — four days after she announced she would challenge U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell and two days after a Republican group posted its own website about Grimes.

McConnell's campaign and national Republican groups have spent much of the week belittling Grimes for announcing her candidacy Monday at a hastily-called event in a Frankfort building that lacked air conditioning. Political pundits noted that national Democrats who may have heard about Grimes for the first time this week had no way to donate to her campaign.

The site Grimes launched Friday,, allows supporters to sign up for updates from the candidate and make a contribution. It trails the website launched Wednesday by the National Republican Senatorial Committee.
Sixteen months out and Grimes' campaign in the single biggest and most important race in the nation is already cover-your-eyes awful.


1 comment:

  1. I think Ed Marksberry is the BEST candidate for Senator from Kentucky
    because he IS a regular guy and understands the working class. He's honest, wouldn't owe his soul to the big donors and couldn't be bought. I think Kentucky DEMS should THINK about this CAREFULLY before they decide who they are going to vote for.
