Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Save Liberaliism: Get Radical

Why are repugs basking in victory everywhere you look today?  Because they have spent the last 30 years getting more and more radical.

Going radical is the only way to win, and liberals have to be better at it. Bhaskar Sunkara in The Nation explains how:
This is just one example of the kind of class politics that has to be reconstituted in America today; surely there are many others. The Next Left’s anti-austerity struggles must be connected to the environmental movement, to the struggle of immigrants for labor and citizenship rights, and even, as unromantic as it sounds, to the needs of middle-class service recipients. Baby boomers are facing retirement without pensions or private savings; they have a stake in defending Social Security. Recent college graduates are saddled with student loans and fear they won’t be able to buy homes or start families. The left must organize around these aspirations and expand its coalition until left-liberalism becomes the dominant force in American politics.
Read the whole thing.

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