Saturday, July 27, 2013

Rx Crackdown in Kentucky Leads to 550% Increase in Heroin Overdoses

But people in genuine pain can no longer get relief because legitimate physicians are threatened with prison if they prescribe painkillers, so it's all good!

From the Kentucky Justice Cabinet:
For the first time in a decade, Kentucky overdose deaths declined in 2012, according to a report issued today by the Office of Drug Control Policy.  Even with the overall drop, autopsied overdose deaths attributed to the use of heroin increased 550 percent over the previous year, to 143 cases, up from 22 in 2011.
Might there possibly be a connection with the passage, in 2012, of a ludicrously draconian prescription drug law that forced people suffering chronic pain to turn to heroin when terrified physicians refused them legitimate pain killers?

Why ever would you think such a thing?  Maybe because it was predicted by many people at the time? 

Funny how the press release from the Governor's Office doesn't mention a word about heroin.
One year after landmark legislation aimed at curbing prescription drug abuse took effect, Governor Steve Beshear credited the bill with closing non-compliant pain management clinics and reducing the number of prescriptions for heavily-abused controlled substances.

Plus, for the first time in a decade, the number of deaths blamed on prescription overdoses has declined.

House Bill 1 (HB1), signed into law by Gov. Beshear last spring, included multiple elements to prevent the abuse and diversion of prescription drugs and to enhance law enforcement's tools to investigate illegal prescribing practices.
Tell that to Dylan Poindexter's mom, Governor.  Go on. You coward, you can't face her.

House Bill 1 has killed dozens of desperate Kentuckians in chronic pain using the only relief they can find  - heroin. And the Kentucky General Assembly, Governor Steve Beshear and every hypocritical motherfucker who supported this bill are accessories before the fact to cold-blooded, pre-meditated serial murder.

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