Friday, July 19, 2013

Repug-lite Grimes Concedes Senate Race to McConnell

It's over. Alison Lundergan Grimes just denied being a Democratic candidate.

Joseph Gerth at the Courier:
Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes began distancing herself from President Barack Obama on Thursday, saying she disagrees with him on coal regulation and some parts of Affordable Care Act, the signature achievement of his first term.

Grimes, who is running for the Democratic nomination to challenge U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell in 2014, made her comments in a short press conference after speaking to the Kentucky County Judge/Executive Association and the Kentucky Magistrates and Commissioners Association Joint Summer Conference in Louisville.

“I disagree with the president and his philosophy in terms of coal,” she said.
Wow, what a coincidence!  So does Mitch McConnell!

Unfortunately, the Democratic voters seeking a genuine alternative to Mitchie-poo don't. And they just wrote Grimes off, along with all the state legislative Democratic candidates following her on next year's ballot.

Well done, Kentucky "Democratic" elites who chased Ashley Judd out of the race.  Really, really well fucking done. 

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