Saturday, July 20, 2013

"Republicans have declared war on the nation"

Don't think you're safe from repug predations because you're not a woman of childbearing age or a young black man in a hoodie.

If you're not rich, white, straight, Xian and male, you're a target.

Erik Loomis at Lawyers, Guns and Money:
In fact, I think these types of restrictions, and worse as we go forward, can be expected any time Republicans control all three branches of a state (or god forbid, national) legislature. And I’m also not convinced at all that the story of Texas was showing the power of the pro-choice movement. The law passed anyway. Texas Republicans simply don’t care. The reality is that all of us, no matter what progressive movements we believe in, need to understand that Republicans have declared war on the nation we believe should be created and are determined to roll back all of it to a Gilded Age, patriarchal, and racist structure that grants rich white men full rights to control the nation and makes poor white men at least feel superior to women and people of color. That’s the Republican Party platform of 2013 and they’ve already done a heck of a job moving closer to their goals.
I think it's feudalism they're after, not the Gilded Age, but otherwise dead on.

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