Saturday, July 27, 2013

Kentucky Married Couple Sues for Legal Recognition.

I'm so happy!  Instead of stumbling in nearly last, behind only Mississippi, Kentucky for once is ahead of the pack, becoming one of  the very first of the gay-bashing constitutional amendment states to get a post-DOMA lawsuit challenging our antediluvian hate laws.

Jessie Halladay at the Courier:

Two Louisville men who were married in Canada in 2004 filed a federal lawsuit Friday challenging the constitutionality of Kentucky laws that don’t recognize same-sex marriages from outside the state.

Following a U.S. Supreme Court decision last month giving full federal recognition of legally married gay couples, Gregory Bourke and Michael De Leon decided the time was right to ask a federal judge to require Kentucky to give same-sex couples married outside the state the same rights as heterosexual couples.

The lawsuit — filed against Gov. Steve Beshear, Attorney General Jack Conway and Jefferson County Clerk Bobbie Holsclaw — does not seek to legalize gay marriages within Kentucky, but seeks a permanent injunction requiring that same-sex marriages performed outside the state be recognized here.
Read that again.  This lawsuit is NOT trying to overturn Kentucky's hate-mongering anti-gay-marriage amendment; it's merely trying to force Kentucky to recognize same-sex marriages legally performed in other states.

Not that it will make any difference to the hysterically screaming freakazoids.
Spokeswomen for both Beshear and Conway declined to comment on the lawsuit saying they had not yet seen it and don’t comment on pending litigation.
Cowards. Doesn't matter.  It's ON, y'all.  It. Is. On.

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