Sunday, July 21, 2013

"Injustice for All" Protest in Lexington

Just steps from the where thousands of black bodies were sold south from the nation's largest slave market, more than 100 protesters in Lexington yesterday demanded justice for Trayvon Martin.

Valerie Honeycutt-Spears at the Herald:
"Injustice for one, injustice for all."

That chant rose out of a diverse crowd of at least 100 people Saturday who rallied outside the federal courthouse in Lexington in response to the case involving Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman.


Astarré Gudiño, community relations coordinator for the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Human Rights Commission, said after the noon rally that she thinks the gathering made a difference to the people who attended. (The commission did not coordinate or sponsor the rally.)

"A lot of people came down today with heavy hearts, and when they left I think they felt excited and more empowered," Gudiño said. "I think that happened because of people coming together and having an open conversation about a ... topic such as race. It think that's good for all people, not just African American people."

Gina DeArth, a coordinator for Lexington's event, said one reason for the rally was to support Trayvon Martin's family and "to let them know we are standing in solidarity with them."

"We also want to see the case move to the federal level," De Arth said. "There's been no justice at all. There's no resolution. It's just been an empty feeling."

However, DeArth said, "There's so much unity here today. It was so positive. I think we are going to be successful at moving forward."
Kentucky's stand your ground law doesn't get much publicity, but it's just as dangerous and likely to lead to horrific consequences as the one that gave a pathetic cop wannabe in Florida the right to gun down any unarmed kid he didn't like the look of.

Think you'd pass the George Zimmerman test of acceptability?  Are you sure?

Photos of rallies across the nation.

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