Friday, July 26, 2013

Good On Franklin Fiscal Court, But Beshear Still Has to Put Pipeline on Special Session Call

Call Governor Beshear at 502-564-8611 and tell him:
Honor your commitment to represent the interests of the citizens of Kentucky by protecting them from corporate abuse of eminent domain. Add the following to the call in August, 2013 for the Special Session of the General Assembly:

1. Amend KRS 278.704 through 278.712 to include "natural gas liquids pipelines" in the requirements for advance scrutiny for public safety and environmental standards for review and approval of NGL pipelines.
2. Limit eminent domain powers to utility-owned pipelines.

It is a simple act that can make a profound difference in the quality of life for all Kentuckians and future generations. Please act on this without delay.
That's the language from the Stop the Bluegrass Pipeline petition.  Get more information here.

Then tell your local magistrates to stand up to out-of-state corporate interests like the Franklin County Fiscal Court just did.

Beth Musgrave at the Herald:
Citing public safety concerns, the Franklin County Fiscal Court passed a resolution Thursday opposing building a pipeline to transport flammable natural gas liquids through Franklin and other Central Kentucky counties.

The fiscal court is the first government body to formally oppose plans for the pipeline, which is drawing criticism from environmentalists and landowners in some Central Kentucky counties.


"I don't want Franklin County and I don't want the state to be a dumping ground for other people who just want to make a fast buck," said magistrate Jill Robinson, whose district includes most of the 35 parcels of Franklin County land that could become part of the pipeline project.

1 comment:

  1. Corporations should NOT be allowed to practice eminent domain. Period.
