Thursday, July 4, 2013

Does Alison Lundergan Grimes Support the Voting Rights Act?

Asking congressional repugs how they'll vote on restoring federal enforcement to the Voting Rights Act is like asking a burglar whether he prefers to operate in a town with or without a police force.

No, repugs do NOT "face tough choices on Voting Rights Act." Are you fucking kidding me, TPM?

The whole point of gutting the Voting Rights Act is to permanently remove any need for repugs to ever pander to minorities or poor people for votes.

You don't need the votes of minorities or poor people if, thanks to the gutting of the Voting Rights Act, you've made it impossible for minorities or poor people to cast ballots at all.

That's what the "voter ID" movement is all about: suppressing the votes of everyone likely to vote Democratic.

It's easy.  Just piously proclaim that in order to "protect the integrity of the voting process"  and "save money" you have to:
  • require people to show expensive and difficult-to-obtain forms of identification in order to register or vote. This eliminates minorities, poor people and students - all notorious Democratic voters.
  • eliminate early voting and restrict voting hours to a single work day during work hours, when working people - again, notorious Democratic voters - can't take time off to get to the polls.
  • drastically reduce the number of voting machines in Democratic precincts, creating lines that are hours long, thus discouraging working people who don't have the time - or the money to hire others - to wait in line.
  • establish ridiculous and impossible rules for voter registration, thus eliminating registration drives in minority and poor neighborhoods.
  • gerrymander election districts to scatter Democratic voters among overwhelmingly repug districts, making it impossible for any Democratic candidate to win.
In red states run by repugs, these voter suppression rules are already in place. In red states previously subject to Section Five restrictions, repugs are rushing to pass voter suppression rules previously barred by the Justice Department. Even in blue states, repugs bully and browbeat "democratic" legislators and governors into passing voter suppression to avoid accusations of (non-existent) "voter fraud."

No, the only problem repugs are going to have with efforts to restore the enforcement provisions of the Voting Rights Act is in stopping laughing long enough to cast their "Fuck, NO!" votes.

So, Senate Candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes, do you - as Kentucky Secretary of State and the elected official responsible for overseeing voting in the Commonwealth - have an opinion about restoring the enforcement provisions of the Voting Rights Act?

Or are you just going to wait for Mitch McConnell to condemn any such effort as "voter fraud" and then bleat "Me, too!"

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