Saturday, July 6, 2013

Clinics Fight Back

Because when they've already made it clear their goal is to kill you, why should you cooperate?

Via Maddowblog
Both of West Virginia's legal abortion clinics declined Tuesday to complete questionnaires about their practices and policies from Attorney General Patrick Morrisey.

Charleston-based Kanawha Surgicenter said doctors and others dedicated to women's health are concerned when any state official singles a health care provider out for scrutiny "for reasons unrelated to medical care and public health."

"While we are unaware of any legal obligation to respond to your letter," Dr. Gorli Harish wrote, "we have no objection confirming that we follow all federal, state and local laws, and that we provide the highest quality of medical care available."
Apparently a patient lawsuit is involved, but these clinics seem to realize that the repugs and freakazoids will use any excuse to close them down and therefore the clinics will not make it easy for them.


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