Saturday, July 13, 2013

Call Governor Beshear - Tell Him to Put the Bluegrass Pipeline on the Special Session Agenda

As the Herald put it, the Bluegrass Pipeline issue is heating up. Unfortunately, what passes for "journalism" on the subject is about as deep in the pipeline company's pocket as it's possible to get.

The Herald calls it a "gas" pipeline and claims the state can regulate it, both of which statements are false. The reporter attended a standing-room-only public meeting in Bardstown at which experts and residents presented damning information on the lethal dangers of Natural Gas Liquids pipelines, but none of that is mentioned in the article.

The Shelbyville Sentinel-News strongly implies that because there are already three other pipelines running through the county (dry gas and crude oil, NOT Natural Gas Liquids), a fourth would be no big deal.

There are now multiple meetings per week in the counties along and near the pipeline route.  There's a must-read website,, a petition to sign, and now the urgent need to call Governor Steve Beshear and tell him to add regulation of Natural Gas Liquids pipelines to the agenda of the special legislative session he has called for August 19.

502-564-2611 is the Governor's Office.  Tell them you want Governor Beshear to add to the special session agenda new or amended laws requiring public hearings, environmental review, permitting, oversight and regulation of Natural Gas Liquids pipelines.

Because right now there is NO state or federal regulation of Natural Gas Liquids pipelines at all. None They have to get water-crossing and construction permits from state and federal agencies that have nothing to do with pipeline safety.

Call the governor. Sign the petition. Read the website. Go to a meeting. Hell, do your own research. There are reams of documents online about the leaks, fires and explosions from pipelines owned by the same company that have injured and killed people across the country.

Williams Company thinks we're stupid. They look at how Big Coal ravages the Commonwealth and its people with impunity, and figure nobody will stop them.

Prove them wrong. Stop the Bluegrass Pipeline.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Yellow Dog for your support of Kentucky Citizens' rights and the fight against the proposed Bluegrass Pipeline - Sincerely, webmaster
