Monday, July 29, 2013

Beshear Caves on Toxic Pipeline; Tells Those In Its Path to Fuck Off and Die

Not just the usual Cowardly Waste of Oxygen, but motherfucking liar, too.

Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear sent this letter to a concerned citizen asking him to add regulation of Natural Gas Liquids Pipelines to the agenda for the special session of the General Assembly next month.
  Thank you for your recent inquiry about the proposed Bluegrass Pipeline and your request to add this issue to the agenda for the upcoming special legislative session on redistricting of electoral districts.

        My administration is reviewing the issues surrounding the Bluegrass Pipeline and has staff monitoring this debate.  Because there are a number of issues to be resolved before any definitive action can be taken by the Bluegrass Pipeline owners, including whether the company can use "eminent domain" to acquire right-of-way, there appears to be no need to put this matter on the agenda for the August special session.  Such action would likely add several days to the special session, at a cost of more than $60,000 a day to Kentucky taxpayers.

        If we find that there is a need for state government to change its role in this process to increase protections for our landowners and for the protection of our environment, we will have adequate time to take any necessary action in the regular session that begins in January 2014.  I assure you that my administration will be closely monitoring this proposed project as it moves forward.

                  Steven L. Beshear
LIAR. Williams Co's. schedule has it starting construction in October. It has already speeded up surveying and coercing landowners into giving easements as some landowners refuse access to their property and makes Williams Co. more desperate.

By the time the regular legislative session begins in January, the pipeline will be half built and far, far, FAR too late to stop.

The August special session is barely in time to stop a toxic waste pipeline that will slice through the Heart of the Bluegrass and destroy all three of Kentucky's biggest and most important industries: horses, bourbon and tourism.

But all Beshear plans to do for the next five months is watch as the Bluegrass Pipeline breaks the last spindly legs of the Commonwealth's economy,

Keep calling the motherfucking liar. 502-564-2611.  Tell him just what you think of his corporate-cock-sucking cowardice.

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