Friday, July 26, 2013

Alison Says Some Things

Well, well, well.  She does actually disagree with Mitch on some things.  Not the things that really matter, but more than I anticipated.

If you wanted proof that Alison Lundergan Grimes is A) her father's daughter, and B) in it to win it, scope this campaign introduction where she tears Mitch the Turtle a new one, and does it with a pleasant smile on her face.
“Now this part’s for you, Senator. Your campaign wants to play silly games about where I am and where I stand?  Well I’m right here in Kentucky, Senator, where I’ll be holding you accountable for voting to double Medicare premiums on Kentucky seniors, including our retired coal miners, for being against requiring the Department of Defense to buy equipment that’s made in America first, for failing to stand up for women when you voted against the Paycheck Fairness Act, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, and the Violence Against Women Act, and for opposing raising the minimum wage over and over again while you became a multimillionaire in public office.”
I think she just might have a chance, folks.
All due respect, Zandar, but really?

North Carolina just passed the most radically restrictive voter suppression laws in the nation and Alison - whose currently elected job is to oversee elections - has nothing to say about it.

No, she doesn't have a fucking chance in the world. Not unless she ups her game by several orders of magnitude and does it pretty damn quick.

For example:

If you're frustrated after wasting dog-knows-how-long trying to find her campaign website online, join the club.

It's not Grimesforsenate dot anything, or even Alisonforsenate dot anything. It's, apparently because all the domain names remotely related to anything that people might type in a search for a, you know, Senate campaign, were snapped up by smart people none of whom work on her campaign.

Click on "Issues" and you get a great big picture of Bluegrass landscape, which is so fucking huge it covers up the first several lines of whatever she wanted to say, so that the page makes no fucking sense.

Honestly.  There are five-year-olds who could do a better job. I shudder to think what she's paying her criminally incompetent campaign staff.

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