Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Will Conservative Attack on McConnell Yield a Primary Challenge?

C'mon, you "real conservatives," put your money where your mouth is. You think Mitchie-poo is such a RINO, then primary his ass. Preferably with somebody who makes teatard Thomas Massie look like Bernie Sanders.

Down with Tyranny:
(Monday), Jim DeMint's radical right Senate Conservative Fund (began) it's (sic) advertising campaign against Senate Minority Leader Mitch ("Miss") McConnell. No, they're not trying to help Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes or community leader Ed Marksberry, both Democrats, beat McConnell. And they're not just trying to throw a noisy tantrum. What they are trying to do is to get McConnell to change his already horrible behavior. They want much worse behavior. This is what DeMint's PAC sent out over the weekend:
    Fellow Conservatives:

    U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is failing conservatives.

    Senator McConnell is the Republican Leader. He has more power and clout than any other Republican in the Senate and probably more than any Republican in the country. Yet he is not using that power to fight for conservative principles.


    Many of you have called Senator McConnell to urge him to stop this bill, but so far he is not listening. It's time to increase our appeals.

    We're going to launch a new radio and TV ad campaign on Monday to flood Senator McConnell's office with more calls so he cannot ignore us.

    We're not asking him to vote against the bill. A simple "No" vote is not enough from a leader. We're asking Senator McConnell to use his position as the Republican Leader to defeat it.

    We don't want excuses. We want results.

    Please make a contribution to the Senate Conservatives Fund today to help us flood Senator McConnell's office with calls.

    The amnesty bill is not just bad policy. It's also bad politics. Of the 11 Republicans who voted for amnesty in 2007, only two remain in office today-- John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC). The others have either been defeated or forced into retirement.

    Amnesty is a political loser for Republicans yet Senator McConnell is sitting on his hands while his colleagues march off this political cliff.

    Let's send McConnell a message next week and get him to lead.
 Oh, yes, please, Mitch: lead repugs right off this cliff.  Quick quick before they find another failure in the Paul clan to rally behind.

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