Monday, June 24, 2013

What Kentucky Laws Does Your Hallucination Tell You to Break?

Yes, boys and girls, it's finally here: Freakazoids Get Out of Jail Free in Kentucky starts tomorrow!

Tom Loftus at the Courier:
The one discordant note dividing Gov. Steve Beshear and lawmakers came from House Bill 279 — known as the Religious Freedom Bill — which legislators approved and Beshear vetoed. The House and Senate overrode that veto by wide margins, so it too becomes law on Tuesday.

The bill says laws and regulations can’t “substantially” burden someone’s “sincerely held religious belief” unless there is a proven compelling governmental interest in doing so.

Proponents, including the Catholic Conference of Kentucky, said the measure was necessary to ensure government has a compelling reason before it interferes with a citizen acting on his or her religious beliefs. But opponents, including the American Civil Liberties Union of Kentucky, argued it could legalize discrimination.
Discrimination, hell: this bill lets freakazoids do anything they want. Anybody want to bet on the likelihood of a freakazoid actually doing jail time for beating a child to death in the name of religious instruction? For raping the gay out of a lesbian? For forcing a woman to give birth?

How long before it's illegal in Kentucky to commit blasphemy by saying mean things about freakazoid hallucinations?

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