Sunday, June 2, 2013

Monsanto Destroys $9 Billion U.S. Wheat Export Industry

Destroying an entire sector of the American economy. I'd say that calls for a fine. One equal to the economic value of that sector.  Times three.

 “Unapproved genetically engineered wheat has been found growing on a farm in Oregon”, endangering wheat exports, a major blow since Oregon exports 90% of its wheat.  Update: Japan has already suspended US wheat imports.  Update: The EU is on the lookout for “Monsanto GMO strains” in US wheat imports.
The U.S. exports approximately 30 million metric tons of wheat per year, times $300 per metric ton, equals $9 billion.

Don't help Monsanto kill the rest of American agriculture.
Scroll down to the list of seed companies that have “safe” seed and those that don’t.

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