Friday, June 7, 2013

Mitch and AynRandy Fail as Hemp Advocates

Maybe their Senate colleagues might take their suggested amendment to the Farm Bill more seriously if the Teabagger Twins hadn't already announced their opposition to the bill itself.

Bruce Schreiner at the AP:
Kentucky's U.S. senators suffered a setback Thursday in their efforts to re-establish industrial hemp as a legal crop, but they vowed to continue their campaign after getting blocked as they tried to attach hemp language to the Senate farm bill.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Sen. Rand Paul said they would oppose the Senate farm legislation.

Their amendment would have removed federal restrictions on the domestic production of industrial hemp. The crop once flourished in Kentucky until it was banned decades ago when the federal government classified it as a controlled substance related to marijuana.
On the same day, Kentucky Democrats threw spitballs at McConnell from a safe distance while refusing to lift a finger to help a real Democratic candidate unseat him.

Read more here:

The AP story quotes all kinds of bravado from conservadems like Grimes, Conway and Yarmuth, but fails to even mention the grassroots Democrats who have already declared for the race.

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