Thursday, June 13, 2013

KY Dem Party Commits Felony Political Stupidity

Here's an email from Daniel Logsdon, the Republican chair of the Kentucky "Democratic" Party:
It's a long time until November, and we've got a lot of work to do if we want to Ditch Mitch.

That is why we need to know that you’re in. Can you click here and let us know you’re in to Ditch Mitch?

Thanks for telling us you’re in,

First and foremost, the Kentucky Democratic Party has neither the will nor the inclination to do a lick of work in the direction of "ditch"ing Mitch.

But that's the lying part, not the felony stupid part.
The chair of the Kentucky Democratic Party thinks Mitch McConnell is standing for re-election in "November."
This November.
Of 2013.
12 months before McConnell is actually going to be on the ballot.
It's now official: any donation of money, time or respect to this asshole and the state party he presumes to lead is the equivalent of donating directly to Mitch McConnell and every other repug politician in the state.

And then we have the disgusting sexist part. That email was originally addressed to a female person of the Democratic persuasion.  Let's call her Jane.  So fat, sweaty, republican Dan Logsdon addressed this email to "Dear Jane."  And the subject line of the email was - I shit you not - the following:

"Jane, do you want to?"

The sound you hear is a million Kentucky Democratic women voters puking in unison.

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