Friday, June 21, 2013

In Which I Reluctantly Accept Religious Allies

In her book Why Are You Atheists So Angry: 99 Things That Piss Off the Godless, Greta Christina makes an excellent case for why even the most liberal religious types are responsible for freakazoid abominations.

I kept thinking about that case at yesterday's rally for clean energy in Louisville, at which the case against fossil fuels kept getting subsumed by frantic pleas to invisible sky gods to ... shit, I don't know - turn fly ash into fairy dust?

Peter Smith at the Courier:
About 2,000 people gathered on the Belvedere on Thursday in what organizers touted as Kentucky’s largest environmental rally ever — an assortment of religious and environmental groups calling for clean energy to ease what they warned would be the apocalyptic consequences from climate change.

Participants held up banners calling for the use of wind, geothermal and other alternatives to fossil fuels, citing their link to global warming, mountaintop removal and other ecological consequences.

“We can choose another way,” said the Rev. Peter Morales, president of the Unitarian Universalist Association, which co-sponsored the rally during its national General Assembly in Louisville this week.

“We can change our personal habits, we can change our culture, we can change our political system, we can change our economy,” he said. “We need not live in a way that degrades the planet and that puts people at odds with one another.”

Another co-sponsor was Kentucky Interfaith Power and Light, which works to mobilize a religious response to global warming.
Kentucky farmer, activist and author Wendell Berry read a searing poem that made the same point without resort to superstition.  If I can find the full text, I will post it tonight with my own pictures from the rally. Meanwhile:

Stop Praying. Start Acting.

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