Sunday, June 23, 2013

Immigrant Denied for Atheism


Name one freakazoid ever denied citizenship for thinking an invisible sky wizard runs the world.

Divine Irony:
Margaret Doughty, an atheist and permanent U.S. resident for more than 30 years, was told by immigration authorities this month that she has until Friday to officially join a church that forbids violence or her application for naturalized citizenship will be rejected.
Doughty received the ultimatum after stating on her application that she objected to the pledge to bear arms in defense of the nation due to her moral opposition to war. According to a letter to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services by the American Humanist Association on Doughty’s behalf, officials responded by telling her that she needed to prove that her status as a conscientious objector was due to religious beliefs. They reportedly told her she’d need to document that she was “a member in good standing” of a nonviolent religious organization or be denied citizenship at her June 21 hearing. A note “on official church stationary [sic]” would suffice, they said.
Hopefully the Freedom From Religion Foundation, American Humanist Association and the ACLU will join forces to take the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to court and overturn this illegal, unconstitutional and discriminatory requirement.
Sign the petition demanding Homeland Security Stop denying U.S. citizenship to people based on their lack of religious affiliation at:
This is so completely fucked up. You can have a moral objection to something without it being backed by a religion.
True, but this isn't about moral objections needing to be backed by religion.  This is about freakazoids in Homeland Security demanding religious belief as a requirement for citizenship.

That's a religious test, and it's blatantly unconstitutional.

UPDATE: Somebody in either the legal or public affairs department finally figured it out. Homeland Security backed down.

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