Thursday, June 6, 2013

How Long Will It Take Grimes to Deny She's a Democrat?

The proper response from a Democratic elected official "accused" of supporting her party's own President and Miinority Leader of the House of Representatives is as follows:

"You bet your ass I do. Thanks for the compliment!"

Alison Lundergan Grimes' response to Mitch McConnell's latest ad salvo* is more likely to be along the lines of:

"Nuh-UNH! Am NOT!"

From the Herald:
Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes remains undecided about challenging U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell next year, but a pro-McConnell group is running newspaper ads linking her with President Barack Obama and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.
OH MAH GAWD WHARS MAH SMELLIN' SALTS.  "Linked" to the President of the United States!  The infamy! 

C'mon, Alison, just judo this one back on him. Here's the perfect chance to stand tall for real Democratic values, to call out McConnell for obstructing Democratic bills that would create millions of jobs and lift millions of Kentuckians out of poverty.

Read more here:

But no:
Grimes' political adviser, Jonathan Hurst, called the ads "false attacks that show just how scared Mitch McConnell and his supporters are."
Sigh. "False attacks." Saying an elected Democratic official supports a Democratic President is a "false attack."

Fuck you, Alison Lundergan Grimes, you worthless piece of conservatard shit.

Read more here:

* Yes of course it's from McConnell. In the no-holds-barred post-Citizens-United era, there's is no such thing as an "independent" PAC.  They are all candidate-controlled.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for putting in print the truth about Grimes. I am sick and tired of all these people thinking she is the savior of the Democrat Party in Ky.Her highest expectation is to be Gov some day. Give me a fucking break.
