Saturday, June 22, 2013

Even for the Cesspool That Is the Transportation Cabinet, This is Vile

Technically, Kentucky state employees are protected by civil service rules, known as the merit system. In practice, state workers have no legal protection from abusive bosses.

Valerie Honeycutt-Spears at the Herald:
A former Transportation Cabinet employee filed a lawsuit this week saying she endured constant sexual comments, was instructed to clean up the blood of a dead deer and had a supervisor who exposed his genitalia to her and urinated on her shoes.


The supervisor would pass gas in front of her to embarrass her in front of co-workers. He bought a canister and sprayed a foul odorous mist around her desk, according to the lawsuit complaint. The lawsuit said the supervisor exposed his genitalia to her and urinated in front of her on multiple occasions, at one point urinating on her shoes.

Smith, the only woman in the office, was told that she wasn't welcome at the office's Thanksgiving dinner, and she was the only employee not to get a pay raise, the lawsuit alleged.

Smith alleges that when she filed a grievance with the Transportation Cabinet, she did not get a response within the required 30 days.

Smith alleged that when she went to the office on May 21, a fellow employee told her the supervisor said that she was not allowed in the office. A co-worker — who was not identified in the complaint — grabbed her by the waist and kept her from going to her desk.
Lots more sickening details at the link.

In many Kentucky counties - the vast majority of Kentucky counties - the only decent steady jobs not in the county school system are in the local highway department of the state Transportation Cabinet.

So if you're a sexist, racist, homophobic, disgusting pig, you can wallow in the slop for 30 years and retire on a good pension.

But girls aren't welcome, and those who force their way in will suffer for it.

I'm just surprised she wasn't gang-raped.

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