Saturday, June 29, 2013

Election Fraud, Brought to You Exclusively By Repugs

 A 28-year-old VA man has pled guilty” to charges of voter fraud and forgery of thousands of signatures on Newt Gingrich’s campaign ballot” in the VA presidential primary.
 Again, this is NOT voter fraud.  No one walked into a polling station and attempted to cast a ballot in someone else's name.
This is a variety of election fraud called petition fraud: forging signatures on a petition to get a candidate on the ballot.

Another variety of election fraud that only repugs commit is voter suppression: preventing Democratic voters from casting ballots by demanding costly identification, restricting voting machines in Democratic precincts, limiting voting hours to times unavailable to working people, etc.

There is no such thing as voter fraud. There is only election fraud, and only repugs commit it.

More from Brad Friedman.

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