Monday, June 3, 2013

Demand Kentucky Teach Next Generation Science Standards

I am a proud graduate of Kentucky public schools. I learned about evolution in science class, and the importance of political dissent in history class, and the racism of Huckleberry Finn in English class, and even the importance of birth control in sex education class, where no one mentioned abstinence because everyone knew there was no such thing.
But I graduated more than three decades ago - long before the freakazoids took over the school system and started teaching bibble and nothing but bibble.

The Kentucky Board of Education is about to vote on Next Generation Science Standards, an updated and comprehensive set of standards which include the science of climate change. Sadly, climate change deniers—including State Senate Education Chairman Mike Wilson—are already lining up against this new research-based science curriculum.1
Senator Wilson wants to prevent climate science from reaching our classrooms at a time when climate impacts, from heat waves to drought to severe storms, are already harming Kentucky communities.
I refuse to stand by while my grandchildren are prevented from receiving the kind of high-quality science education they need to prepare for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
That's why I started a petition to the Kentucky Board of Education and Terry Holliday, Commissioner of the Kentucky Department of Education, which says:
Please adopt the Next Generation Science Standards for the benefit of Kentucky children. Kentucky students deserve the most up-to-date science education, and that includes learning about climate change. The Next Generation Science Standards will help prepare our students for the challenges and opportunities they will face later in the 21st Century.
Climate change will have a huge impact on our children's future, and we need to let the Board know that Kentucky parents, grandparents and science supporters want our kids to learn the facts. Action now is critical, because the Board plans to consider adoption of the new science standards-including climate change education-at their meeting in Frankfort next Wednesday, June 5th.
Thank you for taking action for our children and grandchildren!
–Sheila Anderson
Mother and Grandmother
Frankfort, KY
1. "Sen. Mike Wilson | Science standards include troubling assumptions," The Courier-Journal, May 23, 2013

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