Saturday, June 15, 2013

De-militarize the Border

The only sane and human immigration policy is the one that applied for 300 years to millions of white immigrants:
If you get any part of your body across the border and you want to be a citizen, you're a citzen.

Catherine Gaffney and Kate Morgan-Olsen at The Nation:
While many progressives have accepted border security measures as the tradeoff for achieving immigration reform, we know that the terms of this compromise will be paid in blood. The foundation of US border strategy is “prevention through deterrence”: an approach that aims to make all aspects of unauthorized migration as traumatic as possible. Its mechanisms include drones, surveillance towers, border fencing, interior checkpoints and a small army of nearly 22,000 Border Patrol agents. However, this policy has failed to deter people from attempting to cross the border. Instead, it has succeeded in raising the death rate for those who try.

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