Thursday, June 20, 2013

And the Bluegrass Pipeline Lies Begin

Wow, these motherfuckers really think Kentuckians are stupid. They think we don't know that every fossil fuel pipeline in the history of fossil fuel pipelines has leaked, exploded or otherwise contaminated the land and air around it.

Every. Single. One.

It's the nature of pipelines.

And it's the nature of fossil fuel company executives to lie about it.

James Bruggers at the Courier:
Representatives of the company seeking to build a pipeline carrying pressurized, flammable natural gas liquids across the northern tier of Kentucky tried to assure a Nelson County audience that they would be a safe and cooperative neighbor.

It was their first public meeting on the proposal since it became public earlier this year.

“We design and build safety into the entire project,” said Rob Hawksworth, a Williams Co. manager who attended Tuesday’s Nelson County Fiscal Court hearing.

“If there is a leak, we can get people there within no more than two hours,” he said, adding that the company would help train local emergency authorities to handle any immediate responses.

But about two dozen speakers at Tuesday morning’s public hearing weren’t buying the company’s message.
For two hours, they asked questions about the possible benefits, expressed fears about safety and a decline in property values, and told developers to stay away.

Nobody spoke in favor of the proposed Bluegrass Pipeline.

Some, including Nelson County landowner Marion Bischoff, didn’t like Hawksworth’s assertion that the pipeline could obtain the power of eminent domain through Kentucky’s court system to get the easements the company needs.

That’s “absolute B.S.,” Bischoff said. “This pipeline serves one purpose — profit for the company that owns it.”

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