Monday, May 13, 2013

When a Woman Dies in a "Domestic Issue" Is It Really Murder?

I hope I'm reading this wrong.  I sincerely hope the labeling of the murder of 28-year-old Gypsy Reyes in Frankfort as a "domestic issue" does not mean that the police, prosecutors and judges are shrugging it off and looking for a quick plea bargain that will put the suspect back on the streets in months if not weeks.

Josh Kegley at the Herald:
Frankfort police are treating the killing of a woman in her apartment as a "domestic issue," Maj. Fred Deaton said.

Brian Reed, 41, was charged with murder Friday in the death of Gypsy Reyes, 28.

Deaton said police think "there at least at one point was some sort of relationship between the two." The investigation was ongoing Friday night.

Read more here:
Oh, who am I kidding. Of course that's what it means. Gypsy Reyes, another dumb broad who couldn't keep her man happy.

Last week, Chris Hayes examined how the reluctance of law enforcement to take "domestic situations" seriously leads to little girls being kidnapped and raped:

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