Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What They Keep Stealing From Us

Remember and repeat this every time you hear somebody who's not working class talk about "balance" or "the deficit" or "shared sacrifice" or "skin in the game."

From Firedoglake:
Between 2009-11, “the richest 8 million families  . . .  saw their wealth rise from $1.7 million to $2.5 million each. Meanwhile the bottom 93% (that’s 111 million families) suffered an average . . . decline of $6,000 each.”  In grand totals that’s a $5.6 trillion gain for them and a $669bn loss for us.
 The rich have been stealing our work, our productivity, our profit, our share of this economy for more than 30 years.  They have to pay it back with interest and penalties before we even agree to start thinking about discussing cuts to programs that benefit the working class and poor.

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