Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Thomas Massie Thinks It's OK to Steal Military Valor

And his vote makes perfect sense; in eight months on the job, he has yet to cast a single vote that reflects the needs of his actual constituents in Kentucky's Fourth District.

But then, the residents of Northern Kentucky aren't his real constituents: the teenaged Texas teabagger billionaire who bought him the election is Massie's only real constituent.

Down with Tyranny:
Yesterday the House voted 390-3 on a Stolen Valor bill sponsored by Nevada Republican Joe Heck. The 3 oddballs who voted NO were Justin Amash (R-MI), Paul Broun (R-GA) and Tom Massie (R-KY). The actual Stolen Valor Act was written by then-Congressman John Salazar (D-CO) and passed in 2006 and signed by George W. Bush. It passed both Houses of Congress unanimously. Salazar's bill made it illegal for unauthorized persons to wear, buy, sell, barter, trade, or manufacture "any decoration or medal authorized by Congress for the armed forces of the United States, or any of the service medals or badges awarded to the members of such forces." The right-wing Supreme Court struck the bill down as a violation of the First Amendment, claiming, essentially, that lying about military honors is a right to free expression.
Heck tries getting around that by outlawing lies about military honors with the "intent to obtain money, property or other tangible benefit."

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