Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Last Despised Group: Single People

I remember reading several years ago a liberal argument against same-sex marriage that went something like this: civil unions benefit both gay people and straight people by allowing both to gain benefits like health insurance, hospital visitation and inheritance rights without having to get married. But if legalizing gay marriage means civil unions drop off the legislative menu, then the losers will be non-married couples both gay and straight.

Don't get me wrong: I'm adamantly in favor of same-sex marriage. And just as adamantly in favor of civil unions for everyone who doesn't want to get married. But I'm even more adamantly opposed to opportunistic politicians using same-sex marriage to stick it to single people.

From Firedoglake:
Now that same-sex marriage is the law of the state, Gov Martin O’Mally (D-MD) has notified MD state employees they “won’t be able to include domestic partners in their health insurance”.
The Washington Monthly, which ought to know better, has a way-too-close-up photo of O'Malley on its latest cover, with the question "Should This Man Be President?"

Single people of all sexual persuasion should answer "NO!"

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