Sunday, May 26, 2013

Teh Atheists Have Invaded the Freakazoid States

We. Are. Everywhere. Even Oklahoma and Arizona.

Divine Irony:
There was a moment of levity in Oklahoma Tuesday when CNN host Wolf Blitzer, concluding an interview with a woman named Rebecca and her 19-month-old son Anders who survived the devastating tornado, asked her if she thanked the Lord for a decision that saved her life. 
 “I’m actually an atheist,” she replied, laughing.

She added she wouldn’t blame other people for thanking the Lord, though.

Rebecca said she decided to leave her house with Anders, a fateful move as it was later destroyed by the tornado. She returned after it hit to see her husband Brian searching the remains of the home for her and their son, leading to a tearful reunion.
An atheist state legislator opened Tuesday afternoon’s session of the Arizona House of Representatives with an invocation * in which he asked his colleagues to not bow their heads, referred to his secular humanist beliefs, and quoted Carl Sagan. Miraculously, no one shouted “You lie!” or even walked out in response to the invocation by state Rep. Juan Mendez, a Tempe Democrat elected in 2012. For that matter, we have not yet been able to find any examples online of wingnuts citing Mendez’s invocation as proof that America is over, although we suspect this may change as the story hits the wire services.
Let your atheist flag fly.

*Rep. Mendez should not have referred to his statement as an invocation. This feeds into the myth that atheism is a religion. It is not. Religion itself is the abomination atheists reject. Any concession to religion is a mistake.

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