Thursday, May 30, 2013

McConnell's Got 8.6 Million Reason$ Not to Be Worried About Grimes or Any Other Conservadem

Calm the fuck down, people.

First, for a conservadem like Alison Lundergan Grimes to be actually "tied" with McConnell at this point in the race, she'd have to be 20 points ahead.

Second, the only two things McConnell "fears" at this point are a primary challenge from a teabagger with a billionaire backer and a real Democratic candidate who can turn out the non-voters turned off by repug-lites.

 As Joe Sonka put it:
In all honesty, McConnell has no reason to fret yet, as it looks like his favorable rating would have to get all the way down to 20 percent in Kentucky before a viable Democratic candidate summoned the guts to get into the race against him.
And third, do not under any circumstance give a single fucking dime to the Kentucky Democratic Republican Party's mendacious anti-Mitch fundraising campaign. If a Democratic candidate beats McConnell next year - or even comes close - it will be despite the KDP, not thanks to it.

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