Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Massie Votes to Double Student Loan Rates

'Cause anybody who doesn't have a Texan teenaged teabagging billionaire sugar daddy should have to put themselves into debt slavery for life if they want a college education.

From VoteNote:
Student Loan Interest Rate Reform – Final Passage - Vote Passed (221-198, 15 Not Voting)

In its last action before the recess, the House passed a bill to overhaul student loan interest rates. Interest rates are currently set to rise from 3.4 to 6.8 percent this summer. H.R. 1911 would set rates for Stafford loans at the level of the 10-year Treasury Note plus 2.5 percent (capped at 8.5 percent), while PLUS loans would be set at 10-year Treasuries plus 4.5 percent (capped at 10.5 percent). Though Republicans stated that the bill was modeled on reforms from President Obama’s FY 2014 budget, the president has threatened to veto the bill . It is not clear what the Senate intends to do about interest rates at this time.

Rep. Thomas Massie voted YES
Massie's Northern Kentucky Fourth District includes some of the poorest counties in the state - both urban and rural. There's not a variety of poverty that doesn't exist in the Fourth - and very few high school kids who can afford a doubling of the interest rate on student loans.

But Massie doesn't give a flying fuck about that - he cares only about pleasing his teenaged teabagging billionaire from Texas so he'll bankroll Massie's reelection campaign next year.

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