Sunday, May 19, 2013

Kentucky's Tax Reform Just Waiting for Right Moment to Hand More BIllions Over to Rich Corporations

Told ya so.  Just as in the federal "Grand Bargain" that would destroy Social Security and Medicare in return for pocket change from thieving billionaires, Kentucky's "tax reform" would fuck over working people and leave the rich untouched.

No, it's not been forgotten; it's being hidden under the table until people forget about it and its Soak the Working Class provisions can be quietly incorporated into next year's budget. 

Tom Loftus at the Courier:
They worked for nearly a year, meeting with residents and experts across Kentucky, eventually releasing a 450-page book that made 54 recommendations for changing the state tax code — and for boosting revenue by a projected $659 million.

But the recommendations from Gov. Steve Beshear’s Blue Ribbon Commission on Tax Reform have been gathering dust — largely ignored by the legislature and shelved by Beshear’s administration until the 2014 General Assembly.

Many tax commission members fear their report is in danger of taking its place with Kentucky’s previous tax studies — filed and forgotten.

You can't "reform" taxes or budgets until you force the rich parasites to cough up the trillions they've stolen from the middle class over the last 30 years.  Then we can talk about "balance" and "shared sacrifice."

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