Monday, May 27, 2013

Kentucky Megachurch Tells Boy Scouts to Fuck Off and DIe

And the freakazoids are flat-out lying about the reason.

Mark Boxley at the Courier:
Southeast Christian Church will break ties with a Boy Scout troop because it believes the youth organization has become too polarizing, its executive pastor said.

The organization’s National Council voted last week to allow openly gay youth but maintained its ban on gay leaders.

Tim Hester, executive pastor of Southeast Christian, said the youth organization’s consideration of that issue started the discussion that eventually led to the church’s board of elders deciding against renewing the church’s charter with Troop 212, but it wasn’t the deciding issue.

The charter was going to be broken regardless of the Boy Scout vote, he said.

“Truly for us it’s a logical decision,” he said. “We cannot be distracted from the mission God has called us to.”

The Scouts have until the end of the year to relocate.
Southeast Christian is known as "Six Flags Over Jesus" because you can't hardly see the religion for the conference facilities and recreation center and club houses and support groups and every kind of social amenity for members and members only.

Sponsoring a Boy Scout troop was just one part of its mission to separate people from their secular community and secular government by supplying all their needs at church.

You'd think their frantic need to proselytize would see gay Scouts as a juicy new opportunity to brainwash the young, but their homophobic hatred trumped even their evangelism.

Personally, I'm glad to see the Scouts escape the freakazoids. I hope a secular sponsor will step up soon.

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