Tuesday, May 14, 2013

If You Want to Get Away With Terrorism, Use a Gun

Three dead in Boston by bomb = massive search, police lockdown and national panic over terrorism.

Nineteen shot in New Orleans during a Mother's Day parade by gunshot = national shrug.

Charlie Pierce:
Maybe the real question we should be asking ourselves is simply whether or not the nature of the country itself makes the proliferation of firearms unhealthy here, in this place, at this time. We keep telling ourselves we are a good people, but we also are an armed people. We keep telling ourselves we are a good people, but we are an armed people and we are killing and wounding ourselves at an alarming rate. We keep telling ourselves we are a good people, but we are an armed people, and we are killing and wounding ourselves at an alarming rate, and we keep looking outside ourselves for answers, because we are a good people and this should not be happening to us the way that it is. Maybe we are not a good people. Maybe we are a scared and angry people. Maybe we are not a good people. Maybe we are a scared and angry people and we have armed ourselves because we are scared and angry. Maybe we are a scared and angry people and we have armed ourselves and now we are shooting each other because we are scared and angry and we can get our hands on some guns.
A Mother's Day Parade?

Maybe we are not a good people. Maybe we should think on that for a while.

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