Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Fuck Congress and Just Do What's RIght

If Kevin Drum is right about this, President Obama knows perfectly well that he won't get a goddamn thing out of congress for the rest of his presidency, but he can't admit it to the public.

I think he should admit it. He should say "Congress doesn't want to govern as long as I'm president. Fine. I AM president, and I say 'fuck congress.' I have executive powers and I am going to use every single one of them to the absolute maximum allowable under the constitution and I am going to get done what Congress will not."
I don't know exactly how much he can do, but it's got to be more than the nothing that's getting done now. And I know that in the past Obama has passed up opportunities to order executive agencies to implement policies congressional repugs don't like.
He doesn't have to care about what they think any more. Nothing he does or declines to do is going to make repugs one iota more likely to cooperate with him.

He doesn't have to worry about re-election, and as for congressional races in 2014, doing something - anything - by executive order is going to be a lot more likely to help democratic candidates than spending the next three and a half years begging repugs to govern.
So fuck congress and just do what's right.   And as for shit like this:

Politico says Obama says he won’t veto the sequester-relief FAA bill because “GOP would blame me for flight delays”

Stop accepting the GOP frame, for pity's fucking sake! Veto the motherfucker, say "I will not help rich people and members of congress at the expense of poor children and families.

"Cancel the entire sequester - that' s a bill I will sign.
"And everything and everything repugs say to the contrary Is. A. Lie."

Because, Mr. President, if you really are not an idiot, you know perfectly damn well that the repugs are going to lie about you and call you names and accuse you of every evil on the planet No Matter What You Do.
So do the right fucking thing.   Veto that motherfucker and dare anyone to stand up and explain how saving a few minutes in line at the airport for the same obstructionist repug members of congress who refuse to deal rationally with the budget is more important than feeding hungry families and housing the homeless and giving chemotherapy to cancer patients and feeding the elderly and giving poor children a head start on education.

1 comment:

  1. Damn straight. Better still... five/six years ago I used to joke Our Little Tin Pot Dictator would disband congress, declare Martial Law and "postpone" the election. We have him to thank that Obama has that option and I for one don't find it such a bad idea. Shut it down, send them home... elect a whole new set.

    I have no confidence in this government.

    No fear.
