Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Appalachian Coal Industry: The Walking Dead

Solar energy is now on cost par with coal and gas; where are the solar panel plants in Eastern Kentucky?

Dylan Lovan at AP:
Hard times are expected to continue in the Appalachian region that was once the heart of the nation's coal production, according to a new report.

Coal business in the mountains of eastern Kentucky and southern West Virginia is facing declining reserves, higher production costs and competition from other coal basins and natural gas.


The report from Morgantown, W.Va.-based Downstream Strategies said government data shows that production in Central Appalachia is projected to fall from 185 million tons in 2011 to 128 million tons by 2020, a 31 percent drop. Along with eastern Kentucky and southern West Virginia, the region also includes lower producing mines in Tennessee and Virginia.
This is not news; the same group issued the same warning in 2010.

Nor is it news that the response from industry and elected officials is "Kill the EPA and more coal will magically appear!"

Read more here:

Read more here:

Coal is going down. And unless Kentucky unhitches itself right now, we're going down with it.

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