Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Will Grimes Be This Round's Sacrifical Lamb to McConnell?

You'd think her Daddy at least would have noticed that the repug-lites Kentucky Democrats run against Mitch McConnell all suffer the same fate:  not just losing the election, but disappearing from politics forever thereafter.

Allison Lundergan Grimes has a bright future in Kentucky and maybe national politics, but only if she refuses to fall on her sword for the good ol' boys of the Kentucky "Democratic" Party.

Jack Brammer at the Herald:
After a busy legislative session and a business trip to Taiwan, Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes is pondering whether to run for the U.S. Senate next year against Republican incumbent Mitch McConnell.

Grimes, a Democrat, said Tuesday she is "now going to take the time to reflect with my family, my supporters on how I can best continue to serve the Commonwealth of Kentucky."

Grimes did not set a timetable for making a decision, saying only that she will "give it the due diligence it deserves."

Political observers differ on how quickly Grimes should decide.
Meanwhile, the pro-Mitch money continues to pile up.
A new, independent super PAC is being formed to help U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell in his re-election bid next year.

Kentuckians for Strong Leadership announced Tuesday in an email that it is filing incorporation papers with the Kentucky Secretary of State's office.

"President Obama and his liberal allies know they can't achieve the rest of their big government agenda unless they take out Senator Mitch McConnell, and we will raise and spend whatever it takes to prevent that from happening," said Scott Jennings, the PAC's senior advisor, in a statement.

He said the group expects to set spending records for an independent political action committee.
No, there's no chance at all this is the repug version of the anti-McConnell stumblebums who set progressive politics in Kentucky back a century.

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