Thursday, April 11, 2013

Two Kentucky Gubernatorial Contenders Come Out For Gay Marriage

Naturally, they are two that I'd have to wear a hazmat suit to vote for.

Joe Sonka:
Yesterday afternoon, Lt. Gov. Jerry Abramson won first prize in our LEO Weekly marriage equality sweepstakes, as he was the first Democratic constitutional officer to respond to our question by saying that he fully supports same sex marriage rights. Which we’re pretty sure makes him the first sitting constitutional officer in Kentucky history to make such a humane and righteous stand.

(Governor) Beshear and (Attorney General) Conway have already chosen to give us the runaround, and Grimes has yet to even acknowledge the receipt of the email (or the follow up one), but (Auditor) Adam Edelen has now joined the party


 When Abramson came out for marriage equality yesterday, our mega-cynical first instinct was to assume this was a sign that he would be passing on future statewide races, such as one for governor in 2015, and feels safe enough to step up in public and do the right thing. But coupled with the response from Edelen, who has a long career ahead of him and presumably big plans in 2015 and 2019, I’m thinking the dynamic may be different now. Both men may be stepping up for marriage equality not just because it is right, but because they believe two years from now the state will have moved so far that in order to win a Democratic gubernatorial primary in Kentucky, it actually helps to be on the right side of history, and might not hurt in the general election too much either.
Abramson royally fucked the unions in getting the new arena built in Louisville when he was mayor, and Edelen is tainted by some - let's say lack of moral fiber in his private life. And no, not just the harmless Clintonian kind.

Truthfully, there's nobody likely to run for either governor in 2015 or against Mitch in 2014 whom I'd support with any enthusiasm (no, Crit Luallen is not running. I'd love it if she did, but she's not.) If it comes down to choosing between a lame-ass moron who supports gay marriage and a lame-ass moron who doesn't, I'll have to go with the former.

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